Challenges, Photographs, Trosa is the place

Trosa Sweden October 2016 Tree walk

Jim took a tree walk in his neighborhood recently, so I thought I could take a tree walk too, but in my neighborhood.

Trosa river downstreams, behind the corner the Trosa harbor begins.

Trosa Villabron (housebridge) and the Villagatan alley (housestreet)

Trosa river upstreams. Behind the corner begins Trosa square. The big house on the left is Brogården (Bridgehouse).

Hi yellow leave tree 🙂

Hello yellw leaf road 😉

One of the small parks in the old parts of Trosa. Outside the picture there’s a building that used to be Trosa hospital, in Swedish they called it the sickhouse. Now the building stores our politicians. Some say the sickhouse never closed and that the politicians therefore are in the right place, hehe.

How does a treewalk in your neighborhood looks like? If you feel like doing a tree walk and tell us about it on your blog, share your link to your post in the comments.


63 thoughts on “Trosa Sweden October 2016 Tree walk”

        1. Con la ayuda de Google traducir, muchos. Sin la ayuda de Suecia y el Inglés. Entiendo un poco de alemán, pero no puedo recordar lo suficiente como para ser capaz de hablar o escribir en él.
          In my school years hundred years ago I wish I had understood the greatness about learning many languages. Who knew in the 70-80’s that we were going to talk to the whole world by blogging?

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I’ve run out of Reply buttons, so I’ll reply to myself here. When I was in school, they only taught French and Spanish–and American schools are terrible about teaching languages anyway. They wait till you’re 14 or so before they start, by which point some change has kicked in and you’ve lost the ability to learn them without an accent. I don’t think we were ever expected to learn them well–the teaching was pretty awful. I also wish I’d learned more, and better.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It’s almost the same here in Sweden. Other languages seems to come very late in the education. I was afraid of other languages because I was terrified to say or write it wrong. When you learn something new that risk is very high. Smartest thing to do would have been to study extra hard, but I used the hide away technique instead. Not so smart.

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    1. Here we are between Fall and Winter. Some days are cold and some a little bit warmer. Maybe Fall really is leaving us and come to you instead 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. The leaves were green here a very long time and some trees are still green, but lately many trees has turn yellow and red. It’s so beautiful!

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        1. Sounds like our early Fall weather here. No rain, still warm and since a couple of week it’s cold and dark. The season has definitely shifted.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, even if it means the s-word is coming closer. Jim has forbidden the word for that not so lovely white stuff coming from up above soon.


        1. Julmarknaden brukar vara välbesökt av många utifrån. Första söndagen i december varje år. Vi har ju faktiskt Trosabussen som går från Liljeholmen varje dag hyggligt många turer tror jag. Det brukar vara många som använder den på marknadsdagen tror jag. I Trosa är det fullt av torgstånd på torget den dagen. Mycket kul att kolla på om man gillar marknader med lokalproducerat och hantverk. Dåligt väder brukar det vara också, det kanske är mindre kul 😉


            1. Jag gillar inte heller marknader, men julmarknaden i Trosa är ändå ok. Det är inte en sådan där marknad som alla mindre städer har på sommaren (Trosa också). Den här är mindre med mer lokala produkter och hantverk. Lagom med folk också. Det går att ta sig fram i någorlunda gångtakt.

              Liked by 1 person

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