Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

News about Save Trosa nature efforts -Nyheter om infart Västra Trosa

Hos kan du läsa den senaste händelsen kring Infart Västra Trosa. Det viktiga i den nyheten är att det kommer att finnas ett överklagningsbart beslut som Trafikverket kommer att ta om vägen. Det är något ja-till-förbifarten-politikerna har talat mycket tyst om eller helt enkelt inte talat om alls.
Så för alla er som vill rädda Trosas naturnära boendemiljöer och den orörda naturen, det är inte försent!
Läs Naturskyddsföreningens skrivelse till Länsstyrelsen här.
Läs skrivelsen från boende vid Gillbergsvik/Käftudden här
Läs Monica Casemyrs skrivelse till kommunens politiker här

Som ni säkert börjar förstå kanske inte politikernas storslagna vägprojekt är särskilt klokt att genomföra.

At you can read the below text in Swedish. It’s good that the local news paper writes about what happens in the new big road project. Not every newspaper does, but do. I thank for that.

The good news this time is that the court says there will be a decision about the new big road that will be able to appeal. Our politicians try to tell the citizens that all decisions are already made and there’s nothing we can do about it. Well now they proven wrong!

Nature Conservation in this region and in Trosa district has appealed the County Administrative Board’s decision regarding Inbound West Trosa from 4 January 2017. They argue that the project involves significant environmental impact. Current Decision are based on the county’s decision from 2012, when the road project boundary and area of ​​impact was described quite differently.
They claim that the decision is overturned, the issue of environmental impacts are taken into account, the Transport Administration initiates a new planning process and that a new environmental impact statement is required.

The decision of 6 February 2017 the Administrative Court rejects union appeal. The decision informs the Court however that the Swedish Transport Administration’s decisions can be appealed.

We contacted Karl-Axel Reimer, SSNC in Trosa district and Sörmland for comment.

“The administrative court rejected our appeal and argues that review of this kind of decision is not possible to request. Court warns that it is only in the decision on the Roadmap as the issue of environmental impact assessment, consultation process and more questionable. So we will follow the further process and be involved there.Text and vignette: Mai Ottoson

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I’ll be back with more Save Trosa nature news when I have something new to tell you.


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