Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

Magnolia drawing

A quick ipad drawing of one of the Magnolia blooms I told you about in a previous post. I want to do a proper painting of it too, but right now I’m working on my painting for Trosa Spring exhibition and I have to be sure that painting will be ready in time.

So every free awake hour I try to give the painting. That means being away from you a lot more than I wish to. Just look at this

The last two days I have been away from wp very much. I miss you but will be back. I wanna show you my painting that I’m working on, but you will have to wait til exhibition opening later on in May.

It’s a good one, I hope, so please be patient and wait if you want to see what I’m working on. I think I’m gonna call it WHO ARE YOU? 

Until then I will try to stop by here as often as I can. 

Flowers makes me happy 🙂

How do you feel about flowers?

Oh, but the way, you can learn a new Swedish word. Magnolia is in Swedish….Magnolia!


15 thoughts on “Magnolia drawing”

  1. Always take time, to do..

    What is most important to yourself…

    Getting your painting ready, sounds important, go slow an present what you´re happy with…

    Tis this within a soft lov,


    Liked by 2 people

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