Nature miracles, Photographs


Beautiful but kind of stupid flower. The bloom grows so big that it break down and... fall to the ground. But maybe that's the whole idea. Maybe it is that way it plans for future generations? Anna

Nature miracles, Photographs

Lingonberry – Lingon

This year seems to be a good lingonberry year. There's lots of blooms in the woods. In the Fall we will see if the blooms has turned in to berries. Anna

Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

Transformation tree

Apple trees are great transformers! They are so beautiful all year around, but each season has different beauty. Anna

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

Magnolia drawing

A quick ipad drawing of one of the Magnolia blooms I told you about in a previous post. I want to do a proper painting of it too, but right now I'm working on my painting for Trosa Spring exhibition and I have to be sure that painting will be ready in time. So every… Continue reading Magnolia drawing

Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles


We're not quite there yet, but not too far away we get Magnolia bloom season here. I'm waiting with extra curiousness this year. It may be the first year our Magnolia tree blooms. Yesterday I saw the first crocus, so Spring is definitely near now. Anna