Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings

We are now over…

…2000 followers of this blog

That’s fantasy numbers for me. It’s all your doing. By sharing my posts, comment and like my posts and interact in every other way in the blogginf sphere you made those numbers. I’m not on any other social media, so it’s your sharing and interacting that draw new readers and followers to this blog. I just write the posts and try to interact with you as often as I can. It’s time consuming but very fun and delightful. Thank you all for being here 🙂

You are all stars in the blogging universe 

How did you find my blog and how do we find your blog? 

Leave your link in the comments if you want new readers to your blog 🙂


19 thoughts on “We are now over…”

    1. Thanks. Both your sites are very intersting to read. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but in the beginning I had time to check out the blogs that left a like or two on my blog and I also found blogs through other blogs by reading comments. I might have found your blog that way. When I read it I liked what I read and therefore I gave it a follow 🙂


  1. Congratulations on your deserved followers. I can’t recall how I found your blog now. Possibly it was when I was searching Sweden/Swedish before my Stockholm visit, or enthusiasm for your country’s culture in general. Maybe you saw a comment of mine on another Nordic blog, or vice versa. I guess we’ll never know-unless you can remember?

    Liked by 1 person

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