Challenges, drawings

No 28 drawing in my goals for 2017

Maybe this will be the last drawing in the 2017 drawing goals. My plan is to make 103 drawings and this is no 28, so my drawing goals for 2018 will be the same as 2017 and 2016. This is the longest drawing project I have started and still working on. I easily get bored, so long projects are not for me, but this project is still so exciting.

My inspiration comes from a Swedish space poem. People have left earth because they have destroyed their chances of still live there. The spaceship they travel in has lost the course and will end up in nowhere in universe.

They kind of have a jombotron in the ship showing them memories from earth. But that thingie will no longer show views from earth. It hurt to much to se the destruction scenes from earth. The transmissions are to painful to receive. The stones on earth shout out in despair and clouds of shame damage the receiver technique.


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