
Gösta Berlings saga – The story of Gösta Berling

Do you remember the post of a wonderful gift that I received from a friend?

A whole bunch of old books written by Selma Lagerlöf, first female that got the litterateur Nobel Prize.

The books are over hundred years old, but the stories are still worth reading. I finished the first one, Gösta Berlings saga – in English The story of Gösta Berling. I have read it before long time ago, but I found it worth reading again. It’s a Swedish classic novel.

Even if the story takes place somewhere in the 1800 century the story could be about today’s politicians. There’s a bunch of almost useless (they don’t like hard work very much) people living in a house where they party almost all the time. Everyone of them have grandiose plans that never happens. If they happens they go wrong and the grandiose part is no longer grandiose.

It is also a love story, a story about pride and a fun story. The book has everything you want from a book. Read it if you find a copy somewhere. The book is translated to about 50 languages.

If you want to know more about Sweden life in 1800 century, this could be an interesting book as well.


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