
Osynliga länkar – invisible links Selma Lagerlöf

Jag fick av en bekant en radda böcker av Selma Lagerlöf. Jag har kommit till nummer två i samlingen. Osynliga länkar. Den kom ut 1894, men historierna i den skulle lika gärna kunna utspela sig i nutid. Hon gör intressanta betraktelser av oss människor. Roande läsning. I got some books from a friend a while… Continue reading Osynliga länkar – invisible links Selma Lagerlöf


Gösta Berlings saga – The story of Gösta Berling

Do you remember the post of a wonderful gift that I received from a friend? A whole bunch of old books written by Selma Lagerlöf, first female that got the litterateur Nobel Prize. The books are over hundred years old, but the stories are still worth reading. I finished the first one, Gösta Berlings saga… Continue reading Gösta Berlings saga – The story of Gösta Berling


A wonderful gift

The other day a friend gave me old books no longer in use. They're from the beginning of 1900 century and written by the first woman Nobel Prize winner in literature Selma Lagerlöf. I read some of her books before, but now I have plenty more to read. She was a good writer and it's… Continue reading A wonderful gift