
How on earth did this happen?

Stats are a fun thing. If you blog for increasing stats you might find this interesting. If you blog for fun and meet new nice wp friends then this won’t interest you a bit.

When you begin  your blog journey the stats are interesting. How many read your blog? From how many countries? What do they read? Such stats can be helpful if you don’t know where your blogging is going or if you don’t know what do fill your blog with.

In the beginning you will jump high of happiness every time your stats increase just a little bit. A new follower! One more view than you had yesterday! A new country flag in your stats!

After a while you might get greedy and the stats data occupies your mind. How can I grow my blog? You already write excellent posts, but too few seems to find your genius writing and your perfect pictures. How come? 

You try to follow new blogs in the hope of them finding your blog and follow back. You try to visit as many posts as you can and press like on the ones you like in hope of them liking your posts back.

You find big blogs and try to interact by follow, liking and leave comments in hope of many of the big blogs readers notice you and pay your little blog a visit.

All this will effect your stats, but it won’t grow your blog to enormous stats in comparison to your efforts of following other blogs and leave likes on millions of posts.

I think you will find that your active time for achieving big stats will erase your fun time blogging. 

So how can you draw attention to your blog and still have fun?

Visit and read blogs that you find interesting. Check out the comments on posts that interests you. Make comments where you find you have something to say. A Howdy over at Jims blog is quite enough to start a nice conversation fo an example. You will find manynice  people to talk to. Most of them will answer your comments if you’re not rude. 

That will grow your blog in long terms, not fast but steady and slow. 

The real boom stats effect often comes when doing what I just wrote and on top of that press like on other commenters comments that you like. That’s the real Here I am, I have a blog that you might want to visit-trick. It surprises me everytime when I have done a visit other blogs and take time to read and like other comments-session.

It’s amazing cause I haven’t even done a new post then for. While. Still new people find it worth visit my blog with several days old posts to read.

Yesterday evening I took a one and a half hour reading blogs time including reading comments and like them. Today after hlf a day it looks like this in the stats.

A normal day without posting a new post I have about 50-60 views or less. A day with a new post the stats shows around 100 views. Today it’s already up at over 180 views without new posts so far. I will mess this stats up now when I press publish on this post though.

So my conclusion is. Never mind stats. Blog and have fun! 


15 thoughts on “How on earth did this happen?”

  1. Very interesting post, dear Anna!

    I would lie if I said I don’t mind the stats at all. But you are right: having fun in blogging and interacting with people from all over the world is the best thing about it 🙂

    Maybe I should go and try your theorie *lol*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. It would be interesting if you tried my theory. I mix my blog visits by visit the blogs I know for a long time and some new ones I find through people that liked my posts.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s what I do, too 🙂
        I guess I should set aside some more time for this. Often I find the most interesting blogs this way.

        Liked by 1 person

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