Books, Nature miracles

Book about the forest – Skogen en bruksanvisning

I've read a book about the forest. Very interesting book. I think it's available in several languages. Google Peter Wohlleben and you probably will find a book in your language.  We can learn a lot from that book and the book he wrote before that. In Swedish it's called The secret life of trees.  We… Continue reading Book about the forest – Skogen en bruksanvisning

Books, Digital paintings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place, VilleValleViktor, YannoDunnoVictor

Sommarläsning Summer reading

Repost from last summer. En repris från förra sommaren. På sommaren kan du ligga i hängmattan och läsa en god saga. Pröva med Sagan om en onödig väg om en trios sannolika framfart i en liten stad. Länken innehåller hela sagan. Läs och dela den gärna vidare 🙂 Den kan både ge dig skratt och… Continue reading Sommarläsning Summer reading


Which is Witch? 

Found a most amusing book about witches. If you find it somewhere, read the book. You will laugh and wonder how many around you who are kind witches. Happy Easter. Glad påsk. Anna


Bokreafynd Pelles planetfärd – a space trip book

Jag hittade en underbar bok på bokrean. Halva reapriset! En Jan Lööf-bok för 25 kr. Today I found a book written and illustrated by Jan Lööf. A marvelous book creator in Sweden. Jag blir aldrig för gammal för barnböcker. I will never grow up. I like children books. I don't know if his books are… Continue reading Bokreafynd Pelles planetfärd – a space trip book


My favorite books right now – Mina favoritböcker just nu

This is a repost. Det här inlägget går i repris. It's still favorite books. Fortfarande favoritböcker. Food pharmacy books och Baka glutenfritt På Food pharmacys blog kan ni hitta massor av roliga recept på mat och godsaker. At Food pharmacy's blog you can find lots of fun food and sweet things recipes in english. If… Continue reading My favorite books right now – Mina favoritböcker just nu