Blogging, Digital paintings, What ever

Who are you people?

I ask that question everytime I read a post from your blogs.

I really don’t care who you are in the usual meaning, when we ask that kind of questions. You can be who ever you want to be, for all I care.

I want to discover you through your words, through your pictures, through your thoughts and ideas.

The inside you is much more interesting than the outside you, for me. It’s from the inside all of your creativity is coming, and I’m all for creativity!

Your blogs inspire me in different ways. I cannot tell you in what way for each blog. They’re all mixed up in my creative mind.

I’ve learned that I cannot decide if a blog is worth following or not until I follow it. And so far no blog, that I pressed follow button on, has disappointed me.

I don’t always agree with you, I don’t always like all posts, but I want to keep following anyway.

Following isn’t about finding and reading blogs you always like. Following is about learning about the world we all live in.
If I would listen/read only to people I almost always agree with or the ones who always like what I do or say, then I would get bored really quick. Or get really dumb because I never would learn something new.

I like the mix that your blogs provide me with. I seldom get bored when I open my reader in the “blogs I follow” section.

On the other hand. Your posts are so much interesting reading that I don’t have much time over for finding new blogs. So I if you want me to find you outside the “blogs I follow” area, then leave a comment or like one or two of my posts. Then I will see you 😉

For those of you that I already follow, I see you through my reader everytime you post, if I’m online.

I’ve made a new category called “Blogging/Bloggande” where you can find previous posts in similar issues.
Till mina svenska läsare: om ni inte orkar läsa detta på engelska får ni säga till. Då gör jag en svenskspråkig version särskilt till er 🙂



42 thoughts on “Who are you people?”

  1. You have pointed out something interesting (as usual!) – when you meet people and talk to people you are mostly seeing what is on the outside, when you talk to people in blogs you find out what’s on the inside (their thoughts, backgrounds, opinions, ways of looking at the world and so much more). Thank you!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I hope you get to know me through my music. I have a special video coming out for Mother’s Day. It is an international collaboration with the American photographer, Marilyn Armstrong. There will be about 7 generations of my (Canadian) family as well as Marilyn’s family in the video. It’s already on Youtube but we’ll release it on our web pages in early May.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I hadn’t thought about that aspect of blogging: getting to know the inside person. That has changed my view of things or should I say…has put things in a different light.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I agree with what you say about learning who we are on the inside. It is like your art: I am always interested in the inspiration. The same thing applies with poetry, songwriting etc. it is like holding a dialogue with the universe: somehow an outside stimuli causes a reaction inside of us, which we then bring out into the light in our art. It sounds pretentious I know, but still 🙂
    And yes, we learn so much about the world from each other. It is true that in the twenty-first century the whole world is our neighbour. Can you make a little less noise please when you put the cat out 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi I’m Shreya!
    Love the post. You have great content on your blog. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
    I am relatively new to the blogging forum so please feel free to visit my blog and leave some feedback if you even find the time.
    Enjoy your summer.
    Shreya xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yeah, i agree, one never really knows, where answer, or a creative experiences, come from.

    Kind of like publicity even bad publicity is good publicity.. lol

    The only trouble i find is time to read all..


    Liked by 1 person

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