Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles, What ever

They’re here

Bohemian waxwing.
This means cold weather soon when this little creature with many friends lands in our area. I saw them first time today. Brrrrrrr!

I’m not ready for cold weather yet. I want warm Fall to last longer. But our days gets shorter and temp is now under 10 C plus, so I guess warm Fall days are over for this time.

Birds are fun to draw but I am not very good at it. I have to practice a lot more.

Do you have birds coming to your place and tells about cold weather coming in?


23 thoughts on “They’re here”

    1. Can you see the difference between them? Or do they just play a trick on you? One day they fly away and the next day they say they are different birds, but they aren’t.


      1. I can’t tell the difference, and although I do see ours flock together in the autumn, ready to migrate, I wouldn’t know they were leaving if people I know who are interested in birds hadn’t told me.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. Gaaahhhh wp, I wasn’t finished with my comment.
              I was gonna say – does a ❄️ count as the s-word?


    1. They were many here too. They fly around in big formations and then they land in some trees for a while and after a few seconds they lift off again and then they find another tree and so on.

      Liked by 1 person

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