Blogging, Digital paintings, What ever

The prize day December 10

Today Sweden news is mostly about the Nobel Prize. But here on wp I say you are all worth a prize for your blogging efforts. We all learn about each other, our different countries, our different ways to live. We support each other and expand our contact net by meet & greets, linkbacks and reblogs. Everyone is welcome in the communities as long as we are nice to each other. Isn’t that how the real world should work too?

I say we prove that world peace is possible as long as we have open minds and treat each other with equal respect. So we are all worth a prize for our peacefulness here on wp 😉


14 thoughts on “The prize day December 10”

  1. Anna, many thanks. By the way, who accepted the award on behalf of Bob Dylan? I heard he wrote an acceptance speech, did not plan on attending. I hope you are having a grand weekend. Keith

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      1. Anna, thanks. Dylan is a terrific wordsmith and songwriter and deserving of the award. Yet, he has tended to shy away from the limelight, sometimes performing as if it is a chore. Often, the best versions of his songs are sung by others who love his work – Peter, Paul and Mary, Jimi Hendrix, Adele, e.g. But, he still should have shown up for the acknowledgement, especially since they went out of their way to pick a songwriter. Keith

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        1. I agree. He should have been there, but I can also relate to the shy away acting. What would he have been without all his audience? Would he be satisfied just to write songs without no one listening? Would he have developed such creative greatness without the huge audience he has around the world? Somehow I sort of think he owes even the Nobel prize audience an appearance. But shyness are shyness. That’s hard to out aside for some people.

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