Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

News from Save Trosa nature people 

One of my Save Trosa nature friends and I have worked on a report. We have examined if the project new big road can proceed without negative climate effects. It can’t, so we told the authorities and media. Here’s the first news article about our report. You can read it in Swedish at

Here’s what the Swedish news article says:

Municipalities Ingrid Benson and Anna Bohlin have examined the project New big road and the exploitation of the Tureholm Peninsula. They have compiled a 10-point list of climate councils that Trosa Municipality has not taken into account. The following press release has been published to media and environmental stakeholders:
Project New big road and the exploitation of Western Trosa – Tureholm Peninsula will counteract climate targets of 10 points.

In a review of the project based on climate reports from the Swedish Transport Administration, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Regional Association and the County Administrative Board, it appears that Trosa municipality in projects in Western Trosa
will strongly counter all established international, national, regional and local climate targets.

The review also shows that the municipality can cancel the projects and yet achieve the growth targets the municipality has set up.

The review letter “Has the climate goals been included in the planning of new big road and the exploitation of Western Trosa – Tureholm Peninsula?” Has been sent to decision-makers in Trosa Municipality, County Administrative Board, Regional Federation, Swedish Transport Agency, Swedish National Agency for Housing, the Environment and Energy, the Ministry of Energy, the Environment and Energy, the media and other actors which has the potential to influence a community development that promotes climate goals.

Trosa municipality politicians and other decision makers in the project today have a unique opportunity to cancel the project before it adversely affects the environment and the climate. The municipality then has the opportunity to launch climate-smart growth projects that strengthen migration attractiveness and the brand as an ecommerce community, thus fulfilling all climate goals, the reviewers believe.

The review letter is available as downloadable pdf file on the website It can also be ordered by e-mail at:

Photo: Mai Ottoson

The examination report tries to enlighten the authorities about the climate issues and the report actually says this:

Thomas at aspiblog says it in a few words. The report writers says it in many thousand words, but it’s still the same message.

To be continued 🙂


13 thoughts on “News from Save Trosa nature people ”

  1. Reblogged this on aspiblog and commented:
    Anna has more for us on the Save Trosa Nature campaign (and features a classic infographic/ meme that she created out of a comment on mine on an earlier post)…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Intressant att stöta på detta när man strösurfar. 🙂
    Politikerna i kommunen verkar ju bara få allt mer storhetsvansinne och planerar att bygga överallt. Det som redan sköttes dåligt när jag bodde i Vagnhärad verkar bara eskalera 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Du har helt rätt. Storhetsvansinnet vet idag inga gränser och man har helt slutat att lyssna på vad invånarna tycker. Vi är dock några stycken som inte ger upp i våra försök att påverka. Men det är som att springa in i en stor stum vägg så här långt.


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