Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

News from Save Trosa nature people 

One of my Save Trosa nature friends and I have worked on a report. We have examined if the project new big road can proceed without negative climate effects. It can't, so we told the authorities and media. Here's the first news article about our report. You can read it in Swedish at Here's… Continue reading News from Save Trosa nature people 

Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

News article about Save Trosa nature

The letter that was sent to County Board asking them to save Trosa nature from a new big road that the politicians wants to build has now reached the local digital newspaper. Nyheten om invånarnas skrivelse till Länsstyrelsen har nått lokaltidningen Ni kan läsa artikeln här: You can read the Swedish article here:… Continue reading News article about Save Trosa nature