
Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar May 6-7 2019

Do you talk to the moon sometimes? Pratar du med månen någongång? Inspired by the movie from 1958 Tati's Mon Oncle. Inspirerad av Tatis film Min Onkel från 1958. Interesting movie about the modern society and lovely scenes with so many details. Check it out if you haven't already. Intressant film om det moderna samhället… Continue reading Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar May 6-7 2019

Movies, Pastel paintings

Man in the moon video

Derrick left a link to a beautiful man-in-the-moon video in my post Moon over Lagnö. Here it is, hope you can view. There is still good people in the universe 😉 https://embed.theguardian.com/embed/video/media/video/2015/nov/06/john-lewis-debuts-2015-christmas-advert-manonthemoon-video Anna

Music inspiration, Pastel paintings, What ever

Swedish moon songs

   The moon (sold) The moon appears very cleary again. I see it both in mornings and evenings. I like to watch the moon. I actually talk to the moon sometimes, I know I'm crazy, but the moon is a good friend I think. I remembered some Swedish famous moon songs from 1989 and 1992… Continue reading Swedish moon songs

Pastel paintings, What ever

The moon

Moon evenings. Sometimes with some haze that veils past the round lamp. I have tried to capture this enigmatic mystery surrounding the moon in this picture. I started with a blue paper, I painted various shades of white to pastel chalk. Then I pulled out the colors to achieve the blurred impression. In times when… Continue reading The moon

Pastel paintings, What ever

Månens tysta och vackra ban 500kr

Tidigt i morse blickade jag upp mot månen. I ett mörkt sagolikt vinterdis tittade den fram. Höll mig sällskap och berättade tusen och åter tusen historier om allt som skett sedan tidernas begynnelse. Den trollbinder mig varje gång. Som en gammal kär kompis att vända sig till och söka trygghet. Jag försökte en gång fånga… Continue reading Månens tysta och vackra ban 500kr