Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, VilleValleViktor, YannoDunnoVictor

Wanna be a role model? Vill du gå i täten?

Greta Thunberg spoke at Brillant minds conference in Stockholm. You can hear her speach here: Greta Thunberg talade på konferensen som Brillant minds arrangerade i Stockholm. Du kan höra talet här: If you after those 8 minutes still thinks you can do nothing well then you're not the one who will take the lead.… Continue reading Wanna be a role model? Vill du gå i täten?

Challenges, drawings

Vi sitter i samma båt – we’re all in the same boat

One of our daily newspaper wrote about the report Climat related risks report. En av våra dagstidningar skrev om en rapport som handlar om klimatrelaterade risker. Worst case scenario - earth can collapse 2050. Värsta scenariot - världen kan kollapsa 2050. Millions and millions of people may have to move to safer places. Mångmiljontals människor… Continue reading Vi sitter i samma båt – we’re all in the same boat

Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Yellow fellows

Dear Mother Earth 2018

I am so sorry you have to experience anthropocene. Since I wrote to you in 2016 it feels like we humans haven't done a single thing to make the anthropocene an anastrophe (opposite of catastrophe). I'm sorry for your melting glaciers, your burning forests, the tsunamis and all asphalt and concrete we humans smothering your… Continue reading Dear Mother Earth 2018

Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra

This can never be wrong

Taking care of our planet can never be wrong. Still there are people,politicians, authorities and media that still think taking care of nature is a free and extra option. It's not. It's a necessary option in everything that we do today. We can no longer make exceptions for some and give them permission to not… Continue reading This can never be wrong