Blogging, Nature miracles, Photographs, What ever

Do I know you?

Probably not.
Most likely, I don’t have a clue about who most of you are, what your blogs look like, what you write, if I agree with your writing or not.

But that’s on my list to do when I get the time.

I catch you in my reader, in my notifications and in comments field on other blogs.

After that, it may take a while before I actually look up what I chosed to press follow button for.

I don’t massfollow, but I don’t check out your blogs in detail before following either.

The follow button is for me, a reminder that your blogs exist and that I should pay them visits now and then. It’s easier to check them when they are in my follow list.

You visit my blog and that maybe shows that you have good taste 😉 , there for your blogs probably are nice blogs too.

If you miss me on your blogs, please give me a sign in a comment or something. If you have posts you think I should read, please leave a link.

Reading your posts give me inspiration, so don’t hesitate if you think I don’t yet have found your posts.



31 thoughts on “Do I know you?”

    1. Thank you. I did a short visit and I’m definitly coming back when I have better connection. I Like the music and the pictures. I’ll be back for sure 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you. I tried a visit, but my bad connection doesn’t want to show your pictures, just the text. I’ll be back when I have better chance to se the pictures too.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love reading other people’s blogs, just isn’t enough time to really do them all justice but I keep trying, maybe when I retire I’ll have more time, I hope so … light and peace to you!

    Liked by 1 person

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