Blogging, What ever

Check your links in your profile 

This is an old post that I repost now and then. Some of you that press like button on my posts have blind links in your profile. When I want to check your blog by clicking the like notification I don't find your blog!  It don't intend to start a how you blog section on… Continue reading Check your links in your profile 

Blogging, What ever

How do I find you? 

Have you ever wondered how people find your blog? I can tell you that most of the visitors on my blog comes from wp reader. You probably use the wordpress app on your digital device or use wordpress on your computer. If you find my blog posts in your reader, the stats says x views… Continue reading How do I find you? 

Blogging, What ever


This is what happens when I'm not spending enough time on wp Zero views, but still five likes. Wp stats are amazing unlogic! I hope to get more time here on wp with you all wp friends. I miss you when I'm not here. If you want to improve your blog stats, remember, it's all… Continue reading Zero

Blogging, Photographs, What ever

Snow again

   Tonight that white stuff came back. I hope I don't wake up tomorrow with shoveling snow as the first thing to do. I only have one weekend day this week and I want to spend time on my art making and other shoveling-snow-free-things. Sorry for not being around here visiting your blogs lately. I… Continue reading Snow again

Blogging, Nature miracles, Photographs, What ever

Do I know you?

Probably not. Most likely, I don't have a clue about who most of you are, what your blogs look like, what you write, if I agree with your writing or not. But that's on my list to do when I get the time. I catch you in my reader, in my notifications and in comments… Continue reading Do I know you?