Challenges, Digital paintings

Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar August 9-10 2018

This morning drawing thing has become a very nice habit.  Morgontecknandet kommer jag helt klart att försöka göra till en vana. Svanfamilj som jag såg på långt håll. Tyvärr kunde jag då inte se detaljerna, så teckningen får stå som minnesanteckning och inte en exakt avbild av hur svanar ser ut. Swan family was passing… Continue reading Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar August 9-10 2018

Nature miracles, Photographs

Another day in morning paradise Ännu en dag i ljuvlig gryningstimma

Morgonsol på klipporna, morning sun on the rocks 🙂 Heron in the air, gråhäger i luften Swan family early awake, svanfamiljen vaken i tidig morgontimma Life is good, livet är gott 🙂 Anna

Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

A magic evening in archipelago

I live in a place that is heaven on earth. Some evenings are magic. When you go down to the seaside you can, if you are carefully and quiet, be part of nature. At least it feels like that when the birds around you don't take a hike as soon as they see you. I… Continue reading A magic evening in archipelago

drawings, Nature miracles, What ever

Bird counting day 2017

My first birdcounting at the birdfeeder turned out like this: ZERO BIRDS! But I did see a lot of birds at sea like Sea eagles, ravens, swans, dippers, mergansers, gulls and that mysterious gray bird. So, in my rock drawing today I created some fantasy birds instead. I have no idea what sort of birds… Continue reading Bird counting day 2017

Blogging, Nature miracles, Photographs, What ever

Do I know you?

Probably not. Most likely, I don't have a clue about who most of you are, what your blogs look like, what you write, if I agree with your writing or not. But that's on my list to do when I get the time. I catch you in my reader, in my notifications and in comments… Continue reading Do I know you?