Nature miracles, Photographs

Wise trees Kloka träd

This birch have already gone into Fall stadium. We have very dry and hot weather here in Sweden. The water supplies running low. Many trees withdraw their activities much earlier than usual. They are probably wise. They know so well there’s not water for everybody if they gonna have a long summer life so they take a bow and say thanks for this year, we come again next spring.

Denna björk har gjort höst redan i årets heta och oroväckande torra sommar. Kanske har björken gjort ett mycket klokt övervägande och trätt tillbaka för att spara vatten till sina trädkompisar eftersom vattnet inte verkar räcka till alla detta år.

Tänk om vi människor kunde vara så sparsamma och ödmjuka inför vattenbristen som träden verkar vara.

We humans could take some lessons from trees like this when the water runs out.


13 thoughts on “Wise trees Kloka träd”

    1. Intressant. De är ju vackra med sina gula löv också, men att se höst redan nu känns lite vemodigt. Men de har nog gjort rätt val. Vi har inte haft ordentliga regn på länge.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You probably have much more heat than we have. For us 30 degree C is a lot more than usual and we find it very hot. It’s about ten degrees more than normal. We have no rain that makes it better either and half of Sweden is on fire in the woods. That’s sad and it’s difficult to put out the fires.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I dislike hot weather! Yes, it is much hotter here, than where you are. 32 degrees celsius and humid. So the real feel is 40. It was 49, and I thought I was going to die

        Liked by 1 person

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