Digital paintings, drawings, Introvert/extrovert/HSP, Narc radar

Narc Radar part 1

This is a post inspired by Persia Karemas blog and the comment conversation I sometimes have with Persia on the narc theme. I also recently got inspiration from Robert Goldsteins blog for this post. And many more of you, who writes about this. To you all, keep writing such post, they're important and very educational.… Continue reading Narc Radar part 1

drawings, Reblogs, What ever

Why do sheep people wanna build a narc’s ego instead of their own ego?? #inktober 24 october 2015

Inspired by the comments talk I had with Sonofabeach96 about his post: Careful what ya’ wish for! | sonofabeach96 Are you a sheep or can you manage to think and act for yourself? Anna