
Morning drawings – Morgonteckningar January 17 2019

Snögubbar bygger snögubbe. Snowmen building snowman. Anna

Photographs, What ever

Another fun thing about snow

This little snowman didn't last long. We have plus degree C these days when the sun come out. It's Spring in the air, but we can still get cold days and snow. Anna

Digital paintings, drawings

Cool love?

How do the snowmen and snowwomen do when they fall in love in springtime? Do they melt for each other like we humans do? Kind of cool love, but also sad when they turn into water and disappear. Anna

Photographs, Trosa is the place, What ever

Snowy Trosa Sweden

   I found an old picture with snow. This is what it's look like when we have real winters here. This year has been a green winter so far. No white visitors this year, like those in the picture. That's a fun thing with snow. You can make sculptures with it 🙂 Anna