Blogging, Introvert/extrovert/HSP, oil paintings, Reblogs, What ever

Up to surface


This post by Stephellaneous caught my attention and reading time today.

The Shrinkening Commences

Please give her some oxygen. We can all help her on the way up to surface if she has enough oxygen in here diving tubes. Go visit her blog. She’s an excellent writer 🙂

Her first therapist called us wp friends “not real”. Let’s show that we are for real 🙂


8 thoughts on “Up to surface”

  1. I went to Stephenie’s site. I do follow her already. I was glad that she had so many people commenting there. She had 155 thoughts going her way (some were hers of course). That was brave of her to go to her appointment. My prayers are with her to find some meaning to everything. Life can be a real struggle at times.

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