Reuse art, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri

The postcard town Trosa Sweden

Can you read between the lines? I can do that too!

A collage of:

General plan for Trosa 2015 and
Anna Bohlin’s opinion on the General Plan in 2015

With a little help from art I bring Trosa Muncipality’s public documents out to the people. How many of the inhabitants have read the General Plan? How many understand what is and is not in the plan? How many have read the comments received for the plan?

The Collage painting takes public documents from municipal quite closed corridors to mix with paint and glue to a board with two different approaches for Trosa municipality’s future. The public documents located in the board completely open to each viewer to absorb, though in shredded form. Can the board raise questions and thoughts?

What does every viewer choose to see? What does every viewer choose to believe in? Will The images stir up, excite, attract laughter, anger, concerns, doubts, fears, start new thoughts?

We all have a relationship to the local environment we have chosen as home base. We can all relate to art depicting our neighborhood, but how?

Who and who has the right to decide what to think and believe about the future of the municipality?

The painting hangs in the Spring Exihibition in Trosa 2016 at Trosa Stadshotell exhibition room 5th to 8th of May 11:00-16:00 Welcome!


This have been my inspiration sources:

General plan 2015 Trosa Municipality

My opinion of the General Plan 2015

Other opions of the General plan 2015

Transport department issues about Trosas new big road

Växsjös transport plan, a modern vision of a future without pollution

Grandiose projects, by Anna Bohlin about small men who wants to be the biggest

Save Trosa nature/Nätverket Utveckla Trosa utan förbifart

Radio talks from Swedish Radio P1
Johan Rockström 2015 sommar
English version

Johan Rockström Vinter 2015

Sebastian Kirppu

Maxida Märak

Ulla Skoog

Po Tidholm


The expedition – a love story, Solving the mystery of a Polar tragedy Bea Uusma

Thinking fast and slow Daniel Kahneman

Härskartekniker, den fula vägen till makt, Elaine Eksvärd

Tjuvarnas marknad, Jan Guillou

Animal Farm, George Orwell, the illustrated edition

En obekväm sanning, Al Gore

Swedish television programs

Uppdrag granskning
Det svarta hålet (det storslagna gruvprojektet)

Det italienska handslaget (Sjöfartsverkets storslagna planer)

KG Österåker

KG Knivsta

Age of stupid, Franny Armstrong

Beasts of the Southern wild, Benh Zeitlin

Cloud Atlas, Wachowski Tykner

Videocracy, Erik Gandini

You’ve been Trumped, Anthony Baxter

Garbage warrior, Oliver Hodge

Oväntat besök, Per Carleson

Nature is speaking

And an endless amount of blogpost from all my wp friends blogs!

11 thoughts on “The postcard town Trosa Sweden”

    1. Thank you. Trosa is just one hour away from Stockholm, so if you will be on the east coast and near Stockholm you maybe have a chance to visit Trosa 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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