Blogging, What ever


This is what happens when I’m not spending enough time on wp

Zero views, but still five likes. Wp stats are amazing unlogic!

I hope to get more time here on wp with you all wp friends. I miss you when I’m not here.

If you want to improve your blog stats, remember, it’s all about interacting with other bloggers. Read, like and comment. Read, like and comment. That’s what you have to do besides running your own blog. Your appearance on other blogs in the like and comments fields make other readers find you and your blog.

My zero stat tells me what I already know. I’ve been away from wp too many days and hours. When I get back in full scale my stats will go up. You will notice when I’m back for real. You will find me by reading comments on other blogs. I may show up in your notifications if I liked your comment on someones blog or maybe even one of your blog posts.

But until then I will try to steal some time here and there from other things to get here for short visits, checking up on you. See if you are okay.

So don’t give up on me. I will post when I can and I will visit your blogs as soon as possible.

You are my inspiration, so I will be back full scale any day now I hope 🙂


26 thoughts on “Zero”

    1. When we read posts in the wp app and press the like button without enter the post, then the like shows in the stats but the view doesn’t. That doesn’t count as a view just scrolling through the reader flow without clicking on the post you are about to press like on.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m always impressed when I check in to my blog and see something like 3 views and 4 likes. I guess it means someone clicked like on the preview of the post. Either that means they just click like without reading, or they were so impressed by my title and first paragraph that they liked it enough!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. we can’t have this. I came to your site versus using the Reader. hopefully you have at least a couple flags for your site. “pling”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your kindness and yes I want flags in my stats. I hope you get some flags in your stats too. “Pling”


  3. I’m going to defend the likes but not views here – I’m primarily interested in images, these I can usually get from the reader in the app or by pressing the gallery link without going into the post. Also I have an old iPad that will crash if I go into too many posts, so the choice is miss out on the rest of the posts or view a few posts in full – tricky! Please don’t assume people who like but don’t view are just doing it automatically, we all have different interests and limited time! Mine happens to be images.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know exactly what you mean. I have an old ipad too that does the same. Crash if I get in to too many posts. I also like pictures so sometimes I do what you do. Like a post just for the pictures. I also have bad connection often so I can’t always upload posts entirely so then I sometimes press like button even if I haven’t read the whole post.

      Liked by 1 person

    Nu jävlar är hela min blogg borta…….
    Fattar ingenting- gjorde en ändring av utseendet och nu är allt borta- har petat i namnet och det verkar bara göra allt värre..vad gör man???

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hjälp! Jag funderar och återkommer när jag kommit på nåt. Så kan det ju inte vara att det bara försvinner. Gaaaahhhhhh!


    2. Har du ändrat url-namnet? Då kan det vara det som ställer till det. Då blir det en ny blog. Om du ändrar tillbaka url-namnet kanske bloggen syns igen? Bara funderingar. Jag tänker vidare….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gullliga gulliga dej!
        ( det är detta som gör mig mest förtvivlad om jag inte hittar tillbaka till bloggen- alla underbara människor jag träffat på här ute i cyberrymden- som DU! som jag inte vet hur jag ska hitta till om jag inte kommer tillbaka till det gamla…nu har jag varken de jag följer eller följare i den nya……


    3. Så här säger Jason som har bloggen HarshReaLiTy:
      She may need to go to her general settings and rename her website to the old site name. Hopefully it captures her WP profile and settings back.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anna-du är så gullig som hjälper mig i detta förtvivlade LEVERPASTEJ läge! ( tur man kan skratta åt eländet! )
        Jag har försökt att gå igenom inställningar och jag tror att nu har jag fibblat bort även det ursprungliga när jag i ren desperation försökt att fixa felet. Men det verkar som att vissa kan se min gamla blogg, men jag ser bara den “nya”…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Nånstans ska du kunna fylla i din bloggadress som då borde vara

          Om du vill ha en annan adress i framtiden borde du kunna exportera innehållet på gamla bloggen och importera den i den nya.
          Men jag vet inte om följarna följer med automatiskt eller om det börjar om. Din nya blog har ju bara några få följare jämfört med den gamla.


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