Photographs, Trosa is the place

End of October in Trosa

This is Trosa Sweden around 16:00 a Sunday in October. Street lights already on. Almost no boats left in the little river. Only two kayaks. It's still kayak weather if you have the right safety clothes on. Today it's very windy and cold. We're heading to the w season I think. But still nothing of… Continue reading End of October in Trosa

Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

Oh no, the Waxwings arrives 

They are beautiful birds with lovely sounds, but when they arrive the cold season also soon arrives here in my parts of Sweden. We still have fairly warm weather for the month of October, but now I fear we are getting colder weather soon. Brrrr! The upside of that is that more winter birds arrives… Continue reading Oh no, the Waxwings arrives 

Challenges, Nature miracles

Fun with pine cones

If you have a few of these You can do this And believe it or not, but they actually work just as real flowers They shut down if it's cold and rainy. When the sun comes back they open up again Anna

Photographs, What ever

Not a fun thing about snow

Woke up to this in the early morning Snowy landscape is back. But it's wet snow in plus 2 degree C weather so it won't last long. Have a great Friday all of you.  Anna

Photographs, Trosa is the place

Trosa roofs

We had a lovely sunny day in Trosa Sweden today. Cold morning and then some sun melting the frost away. I'm always amazed by nature art making. Just look at the perfect pattern in the frost. When the sun came the oldest parts of Trosa town looked like this Lots of red tree houses with… Continue reading Trosa roofs