Challenges, drawings

No 23 drawing in my goals for 2017

The drawing journey continues with another illustrated poem piece from a Swedish space epos about how mankind have to leave planet earth in a Spaceship  that lost its course in space.  A person who knew all about historical stars suddenly died of soul sadness and then his own star broked down in pieces. I now… Continue reading No 23 drawing in my goals for 2017

Challenges, drawings

No 19 drawing in my goals for 2017

The people in the spacehip that lost the track in space with no chance of saviour slowly get older and they finally die. But the story I take inspiration from describe the process of being older and then die like a slow transformation into a forever living star in the universe. So that's what I… Continue reading No 19 drawing in my goals for 2017

Digital paintings, Trosa is the place, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri

Walpurgis Night

When I was a kid, growing up in my little town Trosa the Walpurgis night was an adventure. On top of our "mountains" the Trosa alpes the City inhabitants lighted a fire as a tradition for many many years. Way back in time when our town was a fishermen community there was an unwritten law… Continue reading Walpurgis Night