Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, Reblogs, Sweden according to

Sweden according to Jim

I asked Jim for drawing ideas and I got the answer:

“draw your elk that you are so famous for mentioning. you have the wonderful Swedish countryside with trees and hills and farms and old buildings and horse and cows and sheeps and goats and stunning looking Swedish ladies.”

So here it is, Sweden according to Jim and I must say it’s quite close to reality. We don’t get as close to elks as the lady in the picture, but otherwise Sweden look like this in many parts of the country 🙂
What’s your view of Sweden?

Maybe your description of Sweden end up as a drawing too!


29 thoughts on “Sweden according to Jim”

    1. There’s no sheep in the picture. I drew a horse, a goat and a cow and the elk. I can’t draw animals, so it was a difficult assignment 🙂 “pling”

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think anyone dare to try, they are kind of hostile if you come to close and especially if they’ve been in gardens eating fall fruits that gets them drunk.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hej anna! Jag vet inte att hur jag ska tacka dig för det är du gjorde för mig. Du rebloggade detta inlägg i din blogg och du ville hjälpa mig att ha förra läsare. Jag har inga ord som kan beskriva hur mycket tacksam jag är just nu. Du gjorde mig idag den världens lyckligaste tjej. Så tacksam jag är Anna😊💕💝

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Vad roligt att jag kan hjälpa till. Jag har lärt mig hur bloggvänner hjälper varandra under den tid jag har varit här på wordpress. Så det här var ett enkelt sätt att tala om att din blogg är tillbaka för de som jag når ut till.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. When I think of Sweden I think of painted red farms, forests, beautiful clear water, archipelago, Volvo, wolves, elk, Sami, Wallander, Mid-Summer, schnapps :o) , Scandinavian history, Vikings, Lisa Miskovsky, cinnamon buns, knakkebrod, gravelax… and trees, trees, trees.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well… maybe my list was too long. I was thinking more about Sweden and less about how challenging it might be to draw! You could just take what you think would make an interesting drawing from the list 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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