amigurumis, Challenges

Crochet cormorant – virkad skarv

Challenge: crochet a cormorant  Utmaning: virka en skarv This is how it turned out. Så här blev den. Photo behind the crotchet cormorant that I used as guidance I borrowed from Aspiblog, thanks Thomas for all great cormorant photos in your blogposts through the years. Fotot som jag använde som vägledning lånade jag från Aspiblog,… Continue reading Crochet cormorant – virkad skarv

BlackandWhite family, drawings

Skarv – Cormorant 

Cormorants often dry their wings so I let clothes dry on the wings too 😉 Skarvar torkar ofta sina vingar, så jag lät hänga några kläder på vingarna och gjorde fjädermönster av klädnyporna 😉 Anna

Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

You stink

We live in the age of stupid, right? Here's the thing. Our politicians say they run Trosa muncipality with ecological thoughts. What that means today, I have no idea. We used to be an ecological thinking muncipality. But now, well... We plan to build a big new road that we don't need, the road will… Continue reading You stink

Blogging, Introvert/extrovert/HSP, Reblogs


This is a great post from Aspiblog.

I think We are all humans and we are all different and also should be that. I’m a half hearing person, but don’t see that as an error that need to be cured.

I don’t know all about being autistic, but I can relate to some things that often is labeled as autistic. I once read a book that opened my eyes totally. The author tells about her childhood as an autistic girl, only she doesn’t know about it until she’s adult.
Her story was very interesting to read and I could recognize some of her experiences.

I’m just a High Sensitive Person (HSP), but after I read that book I realized I could have “choosen” the autistic things as well, but I didn’t.

It’s nothing you really choose, but with more courage I could have been more autistic in my childhood than I dared to be.

I don’t know if the book is translated, it should be but you can read about the book here. If you read Swedish 🙂

En annorlunda barndom – Wikipedia (a different childhood, author Iris Johansson)



This post is by way of a public response to two blog posts that I have recently encountered. I am writing this because in twitter speak I am #actuallyautistic.


The post that first planted the germ of an idea for this piece in my mind was published by Autism Mom under the title “Sometimes I don’t know what to think”. In it she mentions being at an autism related event and hearing someone talk about “curing” their son’s autism.

The other post that helped to spark this was published this morning on under the title “15 things I tell my friends when they’re facing an autism diagnosis”. As a sample of what to expect I offer two paragraphs (they are not contiguous in the actual piece)…

Be wary of “cures” and “recovery.”
One of the first books I read about autism was…

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