Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

You stink

We live in the age of stupid, right? Here's the thing. Our politicians say they run Trosa muncipality with ecological thoughts. What that means today, I have no idea. We used to be an ecological thinking muncipality. But now, well... We plan to build a big new road that we don't need, the road will… Continue reading You stink

Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

What are you doing with your money?

I realize I'm getting boring and maybe old, but I simply can't enjoy this thing about New Year's Eve fireworks anymore. Yes it's beautiful to see the colors in the air when it's pitch dark in the sky. But I no longer like the sound. That sound makes me think of all people that daily… Continue reading What are you doing with your money?

Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

Are you a (hu)man or a mouse?

You probably heard the expression are you a man or a mouse thousands of times. We have it in Swedish too. "Är du en man eller en mus?"  Just a quick comment to my Swedish reader before I continue:  Ursäkta att texten är på engelska, men bloggen har över tusen utländska följare som under tre… Continue reading Are you a (hu)man or a mouse?

Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

I love trees, do you?

I don't get why the politicians in my municipality Trosa keeps erase our forests. They think building houses is top priority. They don't care for the climate changes at all. They keep building new roads that will increase the traffic, they build houses where nature lived before and they say that's our hope and future.… Continue reading I love trees, do you?

Blogging, Digital paintings, Reblogs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

LagnöBo i Trosa

For English version, see below Swedish text. I Trosa kommun pågår ett spännande byggprojekt med småskalighet,delaktighet och miljömedvetenhet som ledord. Ni kan läsa mer här: Lagnö Bo kooperativ hyresrättsförening – Ett gemenskapsboende byggt på småskalighet, delaktighet och miljömedvetenhet De står i begrepp att ta första spadtaget inom kort och berättar om det här: Turning… Continue reading LagnöBo i Trosa