Nature miracles, Photographs

Starling Eggs – Starens Ägg

Ingrid Benson har åter funnit spännande ting i naturen. Vi får en rapport och fina bilder som jag lånat från henne. Häromdan när jag var ute såg jag detta vackra ljusblåa ägg på marken. Blev naturligtvis nyfiken vilken fågel det kunde vara. Fick svaret stare på fb-gruppen Fåglar inpå knuten. Det föranledde att jag googlade… Continue reading Starling Eggs – Starens Ägg

Pastel paintings

A bird at the nest

I will never grow up, so chalk crayons on a piece of rock will always be fun for me. This time I drew a bird and a nest. Many birds are busy right now with watching over their eggs. This bird has the nest high up in a tree. Maybe it's a whitetailed eagle. Anna

Nature miracles, Photographs

Easter’s over and no eggs left

About a week ago I found this And this Those findings made me worried about the eggs not yet eaten. I found this yesterday  All eggs gone. Sad, but someone had a good dinner obviously. Anna

Nature miracles, Photographs

End of Easter

Found this little nest the other day My guess it's Mallard eggs, but I'm not sure. I hope the parents come back and take care of the eggs. I'm worried about the eggs, it was some cold days this Easter.  And it's not just humans who fancies eggs at Easter Sad sight. I don't know… Continue reading End of Easter