drawings, What ever

Happy birthday drawing 2017

I did this drawing to a birthday girl who works in a ambulance crew. I'm not a taking care of people in need person, but I do admire those who are and are willing to work in taking care of people who needs help sectors. We so need them. Thanks to everyone who made this… Continue reading Happy birthday drawing 2017

drawings, What ever

No 8 drawing in my goals for 2016

One more drawing in my ongoing project. It's about people who lost contact with mother earth floating around in space with no possibility to return. They open the box of samples from other worlds and dream they could reach home again. The dreams and memories build a ladder. Anna

Reblogs, What ever

Check this artsite!

With inspiration from Jims Art Sundays I will tell you about an artsite I just found Cayce Zavaglia does amazing embroidery of people. Check it out here: http://www.caycezavaglia.com/embroideries/ As you all can see it's a fire 🙂 Ever since I followed my moms art work I have always found embroidery art work fascinating. Check out… Continue reading Check this artsite!

Uncategorized, What ever

What do you do on your national day?

This post is one year old, but I repost it today, because it is the Roma national holiday. Today I accidentally see that the Roma have national holiday today. It got me thinking. Where would you like to celebrate your national day? Would you like to sit on the ground under blankets with an empty… Continue reading What do you do on your national day?

Reuse art, What ever

Ladder of life

   Watercolors on re-used cardboard. I did the background first and then I got the idea of making a big ladder with tiny people climbing on it. What do you think? Anna