Blogging, Challenges, Digital paintings, Music inspiration

Hey yesterday I was six years old!

Can you believe it? It's been six year since some of us first met here at our nice kittle blog corner of the world. Then we have became a huge number of friends here. It's so nice to see you all here. I wish I could hang out here more often visiting your blogs. I… Continue reading Hey yesterday I was six years old!

drawings, What ever

Happy birthday drawing 2017

I did this drawing to a birthday girl who works in a ambulance crew. I'm not a taking care of people in need person, but I do admire those who are and are willing to work in taking care of people who needs help sectors. We so need them. Thanks to everyone who made this… Continue reading Happy birthday drawing 2017



It's not often I do portraits, but when people turn 50 I might get the idea of trying to paint them. This one I did with color pencils. I had to stop when I was about to destroy the paper when I tried to change details for the thousand time. I probably would have continued… Continue reading Portrait 

drawings, What ever

Happy birthday drawings

Now and then people hit their 50 years young when it comes to birthdays. I've done some drawings to friends at those times.    For a father with three children and a wife.    For a painter friend, member in the painter group Pink Bucket. She has karate skills, do beautiful paintings of trees and… Continue reading Happy birthday drawings

drawings, What ever


Det händer emellanåt att vi människor når jämna år, som vi gärna firar eller låter bli. Jämna år, som vi håller för milstolpar i våra liv. Femtio laddar många med både milstolpe, livskris och många gånger ett oförstående inför att livet gått så fort till den punkten. Men femtio kan också innebära en hastighetsskylt, som… Continue reading Femtio/fifty