Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles


We're not quite there yet, but not too far away we get Magnolia bloom season here. I'm waiting with extra curiousness this year. It may be the first year our Magnolia tree blooms. Yesterday I saw the first crocus, so Spring is definitely near now. Anna

Pastel paintings, What ever

Advent 2

May you all have a peaceful Sunday. Yes, I paint on everything I see, even a piece of nautre. Sorry rock, but you do so well as canvas 🙂 Anna

Blogging, Reblogs

10 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You From Your Goals

This is a brilliant post I think. Thanks Danny for the list. I followed that list for nearly 40 years before I realized I didn't have to do that. Please visit original post for comment. I took the liberty to put one of my paintings as feature image to this reblogged post/Anna

Music inspiration, Pastel paintings, What ever

The power of love

   Frankie goes to Hollywood Another great Christmas video I remember from the 80's. I don't care if the story is true or not. I like the video every time I see it 🙂 It is a beautiful story no matter what history says happens next or not. To me it's mostly a fairytale… Continue reading The power of love