Digital paintings, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri

News from Save Trosa nature

På fb-sidan Utveckla Trosa utan förbifart kan du läsa följande:

“Vi samlar fortfarande underskrifter för att ge Trosa kommun stöd att avbryta planeringen av Trosa förbifart. Det vore helt fel att låta Trafikverket dra en förbifart vid småskaliga Trosa! Nu när Ostlänken kommer, och det redan byggs på så många platser i kommunen, så behöver vi spara våra större grönområden. Hunga strövområde och Trosaåns dalgång. Behöver du blankett för att underteckna? Skriv ett meddelande så ordnar vi blankett till dig! Såväl kommuninvånare som besökare kan underteckna. Ung som gammal.”

In a quick and not quite so bright translation of (sorry for that) the fb page post says:

We are still collecting signatures to give Trosa support to cancel the planning of “Trosa big road through nature”. It would be quite wrong to let Trafikverket build a big road in the small town Trosa! Now that the East Link railroad will be built, and we already have built new houses in so many places in the municipality, we need to save our nature. Hunga hiking area and Trosa river valley need to be saved.
Need form to sign? Write a message and we will arrange form to you!
Both local residents and visitors can sign. Young as old.

If you want to supporters the saving of Trosa nature, please visit their fb page if you’re on fb. I’m not, but I give support this way.

I want my little green space in my corner of the world to stay green. You know I love trees, so…


28 thoughts on “News from Save Trosa nature”

  1. Anna, as you well know, I have long wished to visit Sweden. I have visited and lived in some very large cities and have seen all the large roads I want and more. Please save nature. I still hope to visit and want it to still be beautiful as nature intended. xx Léa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you will visit the green area of Sweden one day. We try to save the nature and I hope we will be many more who wants nature more than roads.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I should dearly love to. However, if it begins to look like some of the cities I know… it would be sad beyond words and I believe it would be criminal.

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      1. I’m with ya’ on that, Anna. That new road doesn’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things. Just strips your little town of charm and allows more to come in quicker. Terrible.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. And they don’t understand what money is either. I read that trees produce environmental services for millions of money per year in cities. We just don’t see and think of trees as workers. But they help us big time.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. No trees, no shade, no oxygen, no habitat. I understand its a resource, but should be managed responsibly, not destroyed for the almighty dollar. Poor stewardship of the earth is gonna come back to haunt us at some point.

              Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a mad project. Our politicians in Trosa municipality wanna build a big road through a forrest marked as possible future nature reserve. We don’t need another road in Trosa. We need trees!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Anna we are having the same fight over trees in our suburbs as they are putting light Rail – Trams in. They should never have taken them out. Some of the trees earmarked for removal are damaged and do need to come out but if they used their brains they can avoid most of them if willing to spend the money on diversions. They are trying to save losing two lanes of traffic by running the track along the nature strip where the orton Bay Figs are which are ancient trees.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anna- jag tror jag skrattar ihjäl mig… du att jag har likat denna posten fast att jag inte sett den förrän nu………….Detta är ju inte klokt! Har inte loggat in här på min stationära och gått igenom de jag följer på några dagar…ändå har jag likat bl. a dig…..hur sjutton är detta möjligt????
    Det kanske är lika inne hos mig- att jag får likes ifrån folk som inte har en aning…..
    väldigt mysko

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Det är inte klokt! Hur är det möjligt? Det blir ju jättekonstigt. Hmmmm undrar hur man ska få svar på den gåtan?


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