Blogging, What ever, Yellow fellows

Bloggers sail around the world

This is a repost of a previous post but I still think it's accurate. We bloggers are internet sailors. We try to reach the world by, kind of, sailing around the world, without leaving our own enviroment. We don't need an expensive big boat to cross the ocean. We don't have to fix what's broken… Continue reading Bloggers sail around the world

What ever, Yellow fellows

Man and the environment/människan och miljön

Man and the environment forms not always a good combination. The other day I received a link tips horrible images in which humans messed up the environment and oneself. You can see for yourself here. How can we humans think so crazy and then do not understand that we need to rethink at once?… Continue reading Man and the environment/människan och miljön

Trafic signs/Trafikskyltar i fantasin, What ever


We all need a cuddle or two sometimes. Of joy, sadness, loneliness, fellowship, comfort, encouragement. One moment closeness that provides charitable support. It costs so little to share just that. But does so infinitely more than we might think. This edict sign would recall it. To embrace each other. Have a good day and you… Continue reading EMBRACE ONE ANOTHER

What ever

Wake up call/att bryta mönster

Reading other persons blogs is really fun. You could learn a lot and find many interesting posts. I found this first: Be You Now And then I moved on to the originally post: Be You Now – Show Me Who You Really Are And I found out I have a picture that matches… Continue reading Wake up call/att bryta mönster

Time hunting, What ever

Mer tid 1 000 sek

Vårsolen skiner på oss, värmen kommer på besök några timmar om dagen ibland och trädgårdarna och båtuppläggningsplatserna har hur mycket arbete till oss som helst. Men vi måste ju faktiskt förvärvsarbeta också emellanåt. Även om det vackra vädret gärna lockar oss till lite extra ledighet. MER TID formulerar nog många av oss önskemålen nu. Så… Continue reading Mer tid 1 000 sek