Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

Magnolia dreams

I have a Magnolia outside my window and this year it might bloom for the first time since we planted the tree. It's not Spring yet, but I hope I get to see the tree bloom this year. So my drawing today become a Magnolia dream drawing. I'm sorry I haven't been around visiting your… Continue reading Magnolia dreams

Pastel paintings, Uncategorized

Apple blossom

We're not there yet, but almost. I did this appel blossom tree last Spring.  The wind is playing in the tree 🙂 Anna

Blogging, Photographs, Trosa is the place, What ever


I'm waiting for lilacs and as you see in the picture I will have to wait for a long time! Our mornings shows minus C and not many plus C during the day. We have a very slow Spring this year. But it is fun watching the nature wake up even if it's a slow… Continue reading Waiting 

Nature miracles, Photographs, What ever

Lilacs again/syrener igen

Posting a photo of my lilacs in bloom, but not being able to share with you the wonderful scent the spreading is almost rude. Att posta ett foto av mina syrener i blom, men inte kunna dela med mig av den underbara doft de sprider är nästan oförskämt. Anna    Outside my window 🙂