Digital paintings, drawings, Nature miracles

Magnolia dreams

I have a Magnolia outside my window and this year it might bloom for the first time since we planted the tree. It’s not Spring yet, but I hope I get to see the tree bloom this year. So my drawing today become a Magnolia dream drawing.

I’m sorry I haven’t been around visiting your blogs lately. I’ve been busy with trying to save Trosa nature almost all my time outside worktime.

It’s unbelievable we still have to fight for something so obvious the year 2017. It should be the people who don’t give a da– about nature that should spend hours and hours of explaining why they have to destroy nature. They don’t have to do anything more than put some alternative facts together and very quickly they get permission to destroy nature. That can’t be right in the year of 2017.

But I hope to be back reading your blog as soon as I can. I miss it. I learn a lot from your posts.

By the way, Magnolia in English is Magnolia in Swedish too, so now you know a Swedish word 😉


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