Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings, Movies, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra

If tomorrow never comes?

If you haven't seen the movie Tomorrow, do it as soon as you can. Om du ännu inte har sett filmen Tomorrow eller I morgon, som den heter på svenska, se den så snart du kan.  The film gives hope, we can still save the planet and ourselves, but we have to do something now,… Continue reading If tomorrow never comes?

Movies, Trosa is the place


Tisdag 2 januari 2018 kl.18:30 visar Lagnö filmklubb filmen Tomorrow. En dokumentär om ett alternativt och mer hållbart sätt att leva än det liv de flesta av oss är vana vid. Varmt välkomna till en avgiftsfri filmvisning på Lagnö filmklubb, Studio Lagnö. The film club at Studio Lagnö in Trosa Sweden starts with the movie… Continue reading Tomorrow

Nature miracles, Photographs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place

The sun will come out tomorrow

Every day has a meaning and we can always learn something new. Last week and the beginning of this week I learned that many people in my area wants to save our nature. They want to help, they want to support and they all want the politicians and authorities to listen. So I hope the… Continue reading The sun will come out tomorrow

Blogging, Pastel paintings, What ever

I’ll hope to catch up tomorrow

It's been a really long day for me with very much to do and very little time over for wp doings. Please be patient, I'll be back tomorrow, answering all your comments then, I hope 😉 Until then, have a nice morning, day, evening or night, where ever you are 🙂 For me it's nighttime… Continue reading I’ll hope to catch up tomorrow