Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, Reblogs, Uncategorized

Big fight part 2

Our wp friend Melanie is on her way to next round in the big fight. Please visit her at: I’ve REALLY missed you guys… | amusingmyselfmusings and give her love and support, just like she always does with us all, in the comments she leave on our blogs. Melanie, I really hope you will… Continue reading Big fight part 2

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, Reblogs

The Talk

   The talk I visit my friend Melanies blog and got angry. Not at her but at Mr (or Mrs or Miss or whatever) Big shot up there, who is supposed to watch over us. Read her two post and you will get angry too and get tears in your eyes at the same time… Continue reading The Talk

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, Reblogs, What ever

Not a walk in the park

Flea invasion! Melanie keeps writing blog posts that creates images in my head. This time Ellen and Jim also has planted images in my head that helped me with this one. But I come back with "their" drawings later, when I've finished those drawings. This post at Melanies blog maked me draw "Not a walk in the… Continue reading Not a walk in the park

Blogging, Reblogs, Time hunting

Stay with her!

Please give Melanie the support I think she needs right now: THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE PLEASE.NOT MY DADDY DAMMIT. Her post, that almost made me cry reminded me of an old song from 1992: Shakespeare's Sister - Stay Wth Me (Official Music Video) I hope all goes… Continue reading Stay with her!

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings

The big fight

Melanies flight I would like a side of Mayo (Clinic) please… This post by a dear wp friend got stuck in my head and to deal with it I have drawn a picture. That's my way of dealing with the unfair sides of life. There's another wp friend in the picture who's figuring in Melanies… Continue reading The big fight