Music inspiration

Tremble my heart

My week so far has gone in high speed. I'm so tired when the days are over.  But, I'm so lucky anyway. I have good friends, I meet nice people both in work and freetime, I have roof over my head and I have food to eat. I have all you readers of this blog… Continue reading Tremble my heart

Reblogs, Trosa förbifart/Infart Västra, Trosa is the place, VilleValleViktor, YannoDunnoVictor

The tale post are out there again

Sharing is caring and this time Jim from random writings on the bathroom wall shared one of my posts about the tale of an unnecessary road. Thanks Jim! And if you haven't visited or not already follow Jims blog. Stop by and say Hi to Jim and you will have a nice chat ahead :)… Continue reading The tale post are out there again

Digital paintings, drawings, Music inspiration, Trosa paintings/Trosamåleri

Do you remember how to play?

I have a favorite song that always cheers me up. It's about how we should remember how to play and not grow up too much.  If you watch the whole video that's from The polar music price concert you will see Mr Stevie Wonder in the audience and our Swedish Queen ans King. So… Continue reading Do you remember how to play?

Music inspiration, Nature miracles, Photographs

Den blomstertid nu kommer – Flower time

Around this time in Sweden blooms in every corner of nature. It's is stunning beauty everywhere. A Swedish old hymn describe this time very well. So well that the hymn is a standard hymn in every graduation.  My favourite version of the hymn is a soul/funk/blues version from the 80's with Lill Lindfors and Nils Landgren.… Continue reading Den blomstertid nu kommer – Flower time

Music inspiration, Nature miracles, oil paintings

Ah finally rain!

I'm like this today. We finally got some real rain and I think nature feels like the one in the picture too. The air is cool again after several days with 30 C in the shaddow. I hope the rain wash away the pollen. My brain is not melting anymore. Sometimes I really like rain… Continue reading Ah finally rain!