Digital paintings, Narc radar

Narc radar part 3

If you spot narcissists near you. Go as far away as you can from such people. You never win over them and you never get rid of them as long as you are in their sight. I wish I could say this to all narcs: Or in Swedish The problem with that wish is that… Continue reading Narc radar part 3

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Colorful day for friendship 

Thank you all for cheering me up yesterday. Even the slightest little like or comment means something. You give me hope. When I see your activities I still can believe in the good sides of humans. My friends in real life have the same effect. You are heaven sent. Don't forget that.  When I first… Continue reading Colorful day for friendship 

Blogging, Challenges, Digital paintings, drawings, Narc radar


Never mind what day it is Never mind how you feel Never mind how other feels Never mind the long to do list Never mind your worries Never mind your fear Never mind your past Never mind your future Never mind your nowness Never mind your doubts Never mind your anxiety Never mind your tears… Continue reading Leave!

drawings, Narc radar


Why do sheep people wanna build a narc's ego instead of their own? I don't have the answer, do you? Anna


Pojken min/My son

A friend of mine has written a book. I've read it with joy and also with sorrow. With joy because my friend has written a good and important book. With sorrow because of the destiny for the head character woman Olga. The story is partly true and partly fiction, but it doesn't matter which is… Continue reading Pojken min/My son