Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Colorful day for friendship 

Thank you all for cheering me up yesterday. Even the slightest little like or comment means something. You give me hope. When I see your activities I still can believe in the good sides of humans. My friends in real life have the same effect. You are heaven sent. Don't forget that.  When I first… Continue reading Colorful day for friendship 

Blogging, Digital paintings

Clean the air

You know how it can be. In a relationship, friendship, parentship, work relations or anything else that has to do with interacting with others. First it's all good, fun and stable. Then after sometime there isn't what it used to be. You try to figure out what's different. If it's you or the other, or… Continue reading Clean the air

oil paintings, What ever

You and me

I found a painting in my "not yet finished" work corner. I suddenly noticed that it was finished. To people with different hight, age or something else that differ them. But I think they have a soulmate thing between them. Maybe you see something else in the painting. Let us all know if you want… Continue reading You and me