What ever

Gotland Grand national

I can't help that I think this is a cool enduro race. The worlds largest enduro race they call it. Gotland Grand national. It's muddy, exhausting and a big joy for people to watch. Never been there, never participated but always like to see it on tv. Gotland is our biggest island in Sweden in… Continue reading Gotland Grand national

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Take your time

Quick drawing. Have fun! What do you think about time? Anna   

Blogging, drawings, Reblogs, What ever

Existentialism in micro universe

Found an old post that I think is still a funny one, just look at the drawings 🙂 I read two posts and the comments in them Men and Women As Friends https://emma75love.wordpress.com/2015/10/12/men-and-women-as-friends/ i’m gonna talk about sex… | Jdawgswords https://jdawgswords.wordpress.com/2015/10/13/im-gonna-talk-about-sex/ that reminded me of a drawing I did a couple of years ago from… Continue reading Existentialism in micro universe

Pastel paintings


Lemur It's difficult to paint animals, but this lemur actually looks like a lemur, I think. Att måla djur tillhör inte mina styrkor. Jag försökte mig på att måla en lemur och hade väldigt roligt när jag målade den. Anna

paint on rocks, What ever

Three little angels/Tre små änglar

Paint on stones is really fun. In these stones I found three little angels. Måla på sten roar mig mycket. I dessa stenar fann jag tre små änglar. Anna