Blogging, What ever

Check your links in your profile 

This is an old post that I repost now and then. Some of you that press like button on my posts have blind links in your profile. When I want to check your blog by clicking the like notification I don't find your blog!  It don't intend to start a how you blog section on… Continue reading Check your links in your profile 

Blogging, Digital paintings, What ever

Wp app weirdness 

I have trouble with my wp app in the notifications. It's a total mess. Can't tell if it's the app or my old ipad that makes the trouble. The notifications don't update as it should. I can see by the lite red number circle at the icon that new things have happened on the blog,… Continue reading Wp app weirdness 

Blogging, Digital paintings, What ever

Comments mess

Some of your comments seems to disappear from the notification section in wp app, but I can sometimes find them in the comments section. Until recently I never check that section. I thought everything should show up in the notifications. But apparently not. So, now I try to remember to check the comments list too.… Continue reading Comments mess