Nature miracles, Photographs

Mother Nature as a sculpteur

Just look at this             Even if we humans tried to create such perfectness, we wouldn't come near this beauty:) Anna

paint on rocks, What ever

E.T. is back?

A couple of years ago I found an E.T. stone. It was shaped as his head. I tried do put some color on the stone to make it look even more like him. Since then he has a place in our garden by the sea, keeping his eyes on us. He's out all year long,… Continue reading E.T. is back?

Nature miracles, paint on rocks, What ever

Heart of stone?

It's okay when stones shapes hearts. But when humans turn their hearts into stones. Then it's not okay, or is it? Att stenar formar sig till hjärtan har jag inget emot, men när vi människor formar våra hjärtan till sten, då börjar jag fundera på om vi gör rätt. Anna   

paint on rocks

Pink elephant/Rosa elefant

One day I found a rock that looked like a pink elephant. Well, I thought, I picked it up and see if I could paint the stone so it looked even more like an elephant. The stone was pinkish, so I didn't have to use much color at all. Just some lines and shadows here… Continue reading Pink elephant/Rosa elefant

Pastel paintings, What ever

You’re my rock

This pastel painting I can turn around in anyway I want. There's no up and down. From the beginning I thought I painted a big rock and water below as a mirror. But when I turned the painting the size of the rock and the water changed. What do you see in this painting? Den… Continue reading You’re my rock