Photographs, Trosa is the place

Trosa a winter morning

Sorry for not being around here at wp lately. Shoveling snow takes all my time, it seems. I hope I will be back soon. I miss you all. Anna

Photographs, Trosa is the place

Trosa in white

Morning in Trosa, the little park called Green square are all white 😉 I've been at the snowgym, meaning I've been shoveling snow today. It was ok because I got me some fresh air and a Swedish fika with tea and appelpie, so snow shoveling wasn't so boring this time 🙂 Anna

Blogging, Photographs, What ever

Snow again

   Tonight that white stuff came back. I hope I don't wake up tomorrow with shoveling snow as the first thing to do. I only have one weekend day this week and I want to spend time on my art making and other shoveling-snow-free-things. Sorry for not being around here visiting your blogs lately. I… Continue reading Snow again