Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Oh no, I forgot…

Do you have this "little" not cute animal at your place? They seems to grow very fast. I try to catch them all with the vacuum cleaner, but they always return very quickly. I don't feed them, they come anyway even if I can do without them. I can think of almost thousand things that… Continue reading Oh no, I forgot…

Blogging, Digital paintings, drawings, What ever

Follow me Följ mig :)

When I talked to a friend outside the blog world I realized that not everyone knows about the wp app. You can find it here: You don't have to start a blog for using the app. If you want to follow and read blogs, the app gives you a good platform to do that… Continue reading Follow me Följ mig 🙂

Nature miracles, Trosa is the place

Herons in the air

We have two herons flying over our inner city. I catched them with camera today, but I missed the op when they were even nearer over my head. They are shy and fly away as soon as one come too close. They seems to like our river area.    Our ducks all over Trosa river… Continue reading Herons in the air

Blogging, Nature miracles, Pastel paintings, What ever

Thank you all…

...for feeding my brain with such interesting thoughts. When I, in a couple of months, get more painting time, you probably will notice the inspiration I get from you, in new pictures and drawings. I cant wait! But I have to. In the mean time, I show you a lot of "old" paintings and some… Continue reading Thank you all…