Nature miracles, Photographs

Mother Nature as a sculpteur

Just look at this             Even if we humans tried to create such perfectness, we wouldn't come near this beauty:) Anna

Blogging, Watercolours

Ongoing painting 3

Still not dry yet. Doesn't look good, but when it's dry again I can continue.    Now I can go on with next layer.    I will let you know how it goes 🙂 I'll be back! Anna

Photographs, Trosa is the place, What ever

Trosa at 15:00 in January

 Darkness is about to coming in, the daylight is almost all gone     Trosa river and some mallards. They stay in the water all winter. Well fed by those who walks along the river. Maybe it's more lika a creek or a very small river. It's not a canal though, canals are built, rivers and… Continue reading Trosa at 15:00 in January

Pastel paintings

Icebreaker Anna/Isbrytaren Anna ;)

This post is partly an old one, but today with -15 C and freezing winds I feel like I have ice coldness everywhere. Fireplace keep me warm, so I'm alright. Found this painting and thought it would fit in the cold theme 🙂  Still warm thoughts to you all! Anna Pastel Painting on red paper.… Continue reading Icebreaker Anna/Isbrytaren Anna 😉


Tre vise människor (julpris 1 000 kr)/Three wise people

Så här års har ibland isen hunnit lagt sig, som ett stort vitt golv över fjärdarna. Men icke i år. Skridskoåkare brukar betrakta den isfria perioden på året som en enda stor vak. De bara väntar på att vattnet på hav och sjöar ska återfå skridskoåkarunderlag. Den här oljetavlan målade jag med i stort sett… Continue reading Tre vise människor (julpris 1 000 kr)/Three wise people